Our Services
We have expertise to deliver a broad range of geotechnical and substructure related design services. We deliver our specialist services across the supply chain, frequently supporting developers and principal contractors, other engineering professionals and ground engineering contractors. We leverage cutting edge design tools and agile business practices to provide you with an outstanding technical advantage and customer care.
Our everyday professional and design services include:
Foundation design and performance assessment (shallow and deep foundation systems)
Bearing piles
Retaining wall design and performance assessment (embedded and gravity systems)
Deep excavations
Tunneling (impact assessments and foundation performance reviews)
Slope engineering
Temporary works
Working platforms
Piling rig bearing pressure review
Geotechnical risk assessment
Geo-environmental Phase I and II assessments
Piling in aquifer risk assessments
Groundwater management
Construction impact assessment
Building and third party asset impact assessments
Piling within archaeological sites risk assessment
Pile construction methods
Ground improvement
Rigid inclusions

Design and Construction
Our specialist advice can be engaged throughout the design and construction life-cycle. We can support early contractor involvement as part of Pre-construction Service Agreements (PCSA). Prepare detailed geo-structural design of permanent works elements for design and construct (D&C) contractors and for engineer-led schemes. And, facilitate construction with the detailed design of temporary works elements and through the provision of construction surveillance duties.

Specialist Consulting Services
We provide a number of specialist consulting services that inform various phases of scheme development and to support discharge of planning consent. We have invested in cutting-edge design technology including 2D & 3D finite element packages and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) which enables us to provide you with accurate and informed engineering advice in atypical design and construction scenarios.
A-Squared have an experienced team of geo-environmental engineers who have delivered a broad range of land contamination projects across the UK, including some of the most complex brownfield redevelopment sites. We provide a rigorous geo-environmental technical capability and a deep understanding of the regulatory aspects specific to our client needs. Whether you are navigating the planning process, transacting land, investigating the ground under Part 2a, responding to an environmental incident or otherwise investigating potential below ground liabilities, A-Squared should be your geo-environmental partner.
The team provides our full range of geo-environmental services across the UK. We have practical experience across the vast range of geological settings found in the UK and we have worked with many different local authorities and Environment Agency offices across the country.
Our geo-environmental services include:
Desk-based geo-environmental risk assessment
Geo-environmental liability assessment to support land transaction
Planning application support and condition discharge
Phase II geo-environmental ground investigation
Generic and detailed quantitative risk assessment for soil and groundwater
Remediation options appraisal, remediation strategy design and site verification
Appraisal and re-drafting of third-party geo-environmental risk assessment reports and remediation strategies
Supporting specialist remediation contractor procurement
Regulatory liaison (including Local Authorities, Environment Agency, Building Control and NHBC)
Materials management and re-use advice, including Materials Management Plan (MMP) preparation
Detailed waste assessment
Foundation risk assessment
Part 2a Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended) consultancy
Environmental incident and environmental insurance consultancy